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Zdeněk Brož , www.zbroz.cz

Web stránka obsahuje:

Content of the web page:                                      




1. Software FP7_eTool pro přípravu výzkumných projektů typu "Spolupráce" v roli koordinátora. Projekt se podává do 7.RP EU v anglickém jazyce a proto i popis nástroje je anglicky. Má spolupráce s potenciálními koordinátory při přípravě výzkumných projektů do 7.RP EU je již méně častá. Koordinátoři si mohou software volně stáhnout a využívat ho samostatně. Mohu napomoci příležitostnou radou (bezplatně) nebo jako placenou službu v případě většího rozsahu práce.

2. Můj koníček - Tepelné čerpadlo AC Heating 15 KW. V září 2011 zahájíme již čtvrtou sezónu použití tepelného čerpadla. V sezóně 2010/2011 jsme za elektřinu pro 2 bytové jednotky zaplatili celkem 49 050 Kč, z toho výdaj na topení činil 27544 Kč. Bez použití TČ by výdaj za topení činil 3*27544+(49454-27544)=104542 Kč.

3. V posledním období se spíše věnuji hodnocení projektů výzkumu a vývoje strukturálních fondů pro MŠMT.



1. Software FP7_eTool for collaborative research projects preparation by a coordinator. My cooperation with potential project coordinators is now a less frequent. The coordinators can download and utilize the software tool FP7_eTool themself. If necessary I can help with occasional advice (free of charge) or as paid service in case of bigger work extent.

2. My Hobby - Heat pump AC Heating 15 KW. At September 2011 we will start the fourth heating season using a heat pump. During a last heating season 2010/2011 we have paid total 49 454 CZK (for 2 flats), while the expenditure for the heating was 27 544 CZK. Without a heat pump the electricity cost would be 3*27544+(49454-27544)=104542 CZK

3. Currently, I am involved more in the evaluation/reporting of the research and development projects from structural funds for the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.




1.        The FP7_eTool is software that organizes and automates the process of proposal preparation from the call for proposal to the deadline of its completion. The FP7_eTool is based on my past experience as the Czech EU FP National Contact Point, manager of EU FP projects and private consultant supporting the coordinators by writing the EU FP’s collaborative research project proposals. The software tool is sufficiently simple and suitable for ordinary Microsoft Office users.

2.       The tool can help users comprehend what information coordinators are asking for, as well as when and why they require it. A well informed participant can become a member of the project core group and participate in the project proposal preparation. The time spared by consortium partners can be used to improve the proposal quality. Moreover, the officers at universities and research institutes can use the tool to familiarize themselves with the overall scope of the proposal preparation process. As a result, they will be able to provide better support to project proposers and to follow international grants with greater understanding.  Another advantage of the software is that you do not need consultants and have the preparation of your project proposal under your full control.  

3.      The FP7_eTool is programmed for 10 Work Packages and 16 participants. It consists of two documents linked together, namely the Excel “Master” document and the document Word, the Part B_eTool project template as the “slave”. The Excel file stores the input data characterizing participants and defining the project. Download the zip file (for Office 2002 or Office 2007)  and open PartB_eTool.doc and FP7_eTool.xls. More information about this current 4th version is available at the web page Guide.

4.        Please, do not hesitate to send your comments and ask me any questions.


November  2011                                                                                           

Zdeněk Brož     

Dobřichovice                                                                    zbroz@dobnet.cz

Czech Republic                                                  



Last update 5.9.2013