Curriculum Vitae
Zdenek BROZ, PhD.Born May 31, 1937 at Vrchlabí, Czech RepublicRetired, Private Senior ConsultantMarried, 2; Education PhD in Chemical Engineering (1965), Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic. Dipl. Ing. in Chemical Engineering (1961), University of Chemical Technology, Prague, Czech Republic. Professional Career
Significant Honors Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Award (1981) Memberships (current and/or past)Membrane Group of the Czech Society of Chemical Engineers; Czech Chemical Society; Committee for Environment affiliated to the Academy Council of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic; Czech Society for Promotion of Technology Transfer.Languages Czech, Slovak, Russian, English Overall Profile in Brief Chemical Technology and Engineering, Membrane Technology, Environmental Technology/Engineering/Pollution Control, R&D Policy and Programme Evaluation and Impact Assessment, Technology Transfer, Exploitation of Research Results, EU Framework Programme Consultancy and Support Tools, EU Structural Funds A. Research Management Below are some examples of my research management activitis. I have participated in the restructuralization of research activities at both the Czech Academy of Sciences and the Universities. I have acquired a good knowledge of structure, activities and aims of the Czech Academy of Sciences. I have also experience with incubation of high-tec spin-off firms and technology transfer. I know a current situation at Central and East European Countries and in the research institutes of the Soviet Academy of Sciences also due to my involvements in COST and INTAS programs. I regard myself as being more a generalist than a specialist, even in the research fields of my original interest, see Part B. Additional information follows from selected presentations and participations at different events. 1. 2008 – 6th International Conference on Emerging E-learning Technologies and Applications (ICETA 2007) with a presentation “3PeTool – Project proposal preparation electronic tool for EU FP7 Collaborative research programme“. 2. 2007 – 5th International Conference on Emerging E-learning Technologies and Applications (ICETA 2007) with a presentation “Why is it so difficult to prepare a project proposal for EU FP7 collaborative research programme? Can e-learning help?” Note: I can send you the PDF presentation on request. 3. 2006 - Participation at IST Event “Strategies for Leadership” Helsinki, Finland. 4. 2005 - “Visegrad regions towards ERA”, The 1st international meeting of Visegrad research and innovation organizations, Liberec, Czech Republic; participation with the presentation about activities at CAO AS CR. 5. 2004 - UNIDO Training Course "Technology Foresight for Practitioners" Prague, Czech Republic. 6. 2000 - Member of the delegation of rectors and vice-rectors of the Charles University and Czech Technical University to the Czech National Day at Aachen: Modellregion für Europa im Themenpark der EXPO 2000. Visits of TU Aachen and AGIT (Aachener Innovation und Technologietransfer GmbH). 7. 2000 - Joint German-OECD Conference: Benchmarking Industry-Science Relationships 8. 1999 - Member of the Czech delegation with presentation at the CEC/ECC SME Forum at UNORG Zeneva, Switzerland. 9. 1999 - 1 week - Intensive Training for European Research Advisors from Accession States (ITERAS), Greifswald, Germany. 10. 1998 - The Czech Venture Capital Market, co-organizer of the Workshop at TC AS CR, Prague, Czech Republic. 11. 1997 – l week - Technology Assessment and Innovation Training Programme from Oxford Innovation Ltd; co-organizer of the programme at TC AS CR, Prague, Czech Republic. 12. 1997 - 1 week - Holland, BTC Twente and BIC Leeuwarden, European Business and Innovation Network Training Programme. 13. 1987 - 1 month - DAAD travel fellowship through German universities B. Research Activities 35 years (1961-96) as a research worker and Head of the research group Absorption, Distillation and Membrane Processes at the Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals AS CR. I have published 39 original papers at international journals, delivered 40/17 lectures at international/national conferences, participated at 45 research reports and 14 patents. In 1981 I have received the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Award for accomplishments in the field of Multiphase Separation Processes. My main scientific fields of interest were: Fluidization of solid particles in a conical vessel, two-phase counter-current flow through a bed of packing, diagram of regimes in trickle and bubble flow beds, electrokinetic flow through porous media composed of fine cylindrical capillaries, Darcy’s flow law deviations, mass transfer in turbulent medium at different Schmidt numbers accompanied (sometimes) by chemical reactions of different kind, heat transfer in turbulent flow at very low Prandtl numbers, hydrodynamics of turbulent boundary layer, effects of liquid viscosity and surface active agents on the liquid side mass transfer coefficient at vertical liquid film flow on expanded metal sheets, modeling of chemical absorption as an industrial process and its pilot scale verification, removal of volatile organic compounds and radon from water by air stripping in bubble and packed columns, modeling and testing of gas permeation in ceramic membranes, transport parameters of gases in polymeric membranes, skin defects characterization and in-situ removal in asymmetric gas membranes. The research results were also implemented in the field of separation processes and BAT for environment, as e.g.: Process of farm animal manure treatment applied in the Czech big pig stables, ammonia recovery from wastewater and desulfurization of biogas after methane fermentation of livestock excrements, packing for heat and mass transfer apparatus, process and equipment for production of oriented packing from thermoplastic material. Original Papers 1. Kolar V., Broz Z.: Two-phase countercurrent flow through a bed of packing. (Eng) Coll.Czech.Chem.Commun.30,2527(1965). 2. Broz Z., Kolar V.: Two-phase countercurrent flow through a bed of packing. II. Experimental study. (Eng) Coll.Czech. Chem.Commun.33,349(1968). 3. Kolar V., Broz Z.: Two-phase countercurrent flow through a bed of packing. III. Evaluation of experimental data. (Eng) Coll.Czech.Chem.Commun.33,2722(1968). 4. Kolar V., Broz Z.: Two-phase countercurrent flow through a bed of packing. V. Correlation of pressure drop over the entire range of gas flow rates and of hold-up at zero flow of gas. (Eng) Coll.Czech.Chem.Commun.33,3870(1968). 5. Kolar V., Broz Z., Tichy J.: Two-phase countercurrent flow through a bed of packing. VI. Correlation of hydrodynamic parameters at the flow through a bed of spheres. (Eng) Coll. Czech.Chem.Commun.35,3344(1970). 6. Kolar V., Broz Z.: Two-phase countercurrent flow through a bed of packing. VII. Pressure drop at flooding and critical flow rates of both phases in packed bed of spheres. (Eng) Coll.Czech.Chem.Commun.37,1666(1972). 7. Broz Z., Kolar V.: Two-phase countercurrent flow through a bed of packing. VIII. Effect of the geometrical packing shape (sphere, raschig rings, hyperfil). bed of spheres. (Eng) Coll.Czech.Chem.Commun.37,3551(1972). 8. Broz Z., Kolar V.: Two-phase countercurrent flow through a bed of packing. IX. The diagram of regimes in trickle and bubble flow beds. (Eng) Coll.Czech.Chem.Commun.38,1635 (1973). 9. Broz Z., Epstein N.: Elektrokinetic flow through porous media composed of fine cylindrical capilaries. (Eng) J. Colloid Interface Sci. 56,605(1976). 10. Broz Z., Pascalev G.P.: The efficiency of the vertically arranged expanded metal sheets for evaporative cooling and air humidification. (Eng) Coll.Czech.Chem.Commun.42,1118 (1977). 11. Kolar V., Broz Z.: Mass transfer in turbulent medium accompanied by instantaneous irreversible chemical reaction. Part I. Theory. (Eng) Coll.Czech.Chem.Commun.43,224(1978). 12. Broz Z., Kolar V.: Mass transfer in turbulent medium accompanied by instantaneous irreversible chemical reaction. II. Experimental. (Eng) Coll.Czech.Chem.Commun.43,2122 (1978). 13. Kolar V., Broz Z.: Interfacial mass transfer in turbulent flow accompanied by irreversible first order chemical reaction. (Eng) Coll.Czech.Chem.Commun.44,1388(1979). 14. Lacina J., Broz Z., Kolar V.: The gas-side mass transfer coefficient and the interfacial area under the turbulent flow over the packing of parallel expanded metal sheets. (Eng) Coll.Czech.Chem.Commun.45,457(1980). 15. Kolar V., Cervenka J., Broz Z.: Mass transfer in single phase flow through fixed and fluidized beds. (Eng) Coll. Czech.Chem.Commun.45,3081(1980). 16. Broz Z., Endrst M.: Liquid side mass transfer coefficient and interfacial area at vertical liquid flow on expanded metal sheet packing. (Eng) Coll.Czech.Chem.Commun.45,3089 (1980). 17. Vasak F., Kolar V., Broz Z.: Mass transfer into the liquid in turbulent flow at high Schmidt numbers.Theoretical solution. (Eng) Coll.Czech.Chem.Commun.46,1445(1981). 18. Vasak F., Kolar V., Broz Z.: Mass transfer into the liquid in turbulent flow at high Schmidt numbers.Dissolution of benzoic acid into aqueous solutions of glycerol from internal surface of the pipe. (Eng) Coll.Czech.Chem.Commun. 46,1566(1981). 19. Vasak F., Kolar V., Broz Z.: Interfacial heat and mass transfer in the turbulent flow and its experimental verification. (Eng) Coll.Czech.Chem.Commun.48,2494(1983). 20. Broz Z., Endrst M.: Effect of liquid viscosity on liquid side mass transfer coefficient at vertical film flow on expanded metal sheets. (Eng) Coll.Czech.Chem.Commun.48,861 (1983). 21. Vasak F., Kolar V., Broz Z.: Heat transfer in turbulent flow at very low Prandtl numbers. (Eng) Coll.Czech.Chem.Commun. 48,1695(1983). 22. Cervenka J., Broz Z., Kolar V.: Measurement of interfacial area and intensity of mass transfer in the gas phase in a packing with significant dependence of interfacial area on the density of irrigation. (Eng) Coll.Czech.Chem.Commun.49, 2463(1984). 23. Broz Z., Endrst M.: The effect of surface active agents on the mass transfer coefficient in vertical film flow of liquid over the surface of expanded metal sheet packing. (Eng) Coll.Czech.Chem.Commun.51,302(1986). 24. Kolar V., Vasak F., Broz Z.: A contribution to the problem of turbulent mass transfer at high values of the Schmidt number and to the hydrodynamics of the turbulent boundary layer. (Eng) Coll.Czech.Chem.Commun.51,75(1986). 25. Kolev N., Winkler K., Darakchiev R., Broz Z.: Trebovaniia teorii k sozdaniiu novykh effektivnykh nasadok dlya kolonnykh apparatov. (Russ) Demands of theory for the development of new effective packings for column apparatusses. Khim.Prom.(8),489-493(1986). 26. Kuthan K., Broz Z.: Mass transfer in liquid films during absorption. Part I. Comparison of mass transfer models with experiments. (Eng) Chem.Eng.Process.24,221-231(1988). 27. Kuthan K., Endrst M., Broz Z.: Mass transfer in liquid films during absorption. Part II. Solubilities and diffusivities of He,N2, and C3H8 in aqueous ethylene glycol solution at 25 C. (Eng) Chem.Eng.Process.25,65-74(1989). 28. Kuthan K., Broz Z.: Mass transfer in liquid films during absorption. Part III. Dependence of liquid-side mass transfer coefficient on the molecular diffusivity of gases at high values of the Schmidt number. (Eng) Chem.Eng. Process.25,75-84(1989). 29. Broz Z., Vasak F.: Odstranovani tekavych organickych latek a radonu z vody provzdusnovanim v probublavane a zkrapene kolone. (Czech) Removal of volatile organic compounds and radon from water by air stripping in a bubble and packed column. Vodni hospodarstvi 40(8),342(1990). 30. Uchytil P., Nguyen X.Q., Broz Z.: Neizobaricka metoda mereni permeace plynu v polymernich membranach. (Czech) Nonisobaric measurement method of gas permeation through polymeric membranes. Chem. Listy 85,435-441(1991). 31. Broz Z., Kuthan K., Drahokoupil J., Vala J.: Prakticke poznatky z pouziti provzdusnovane zkrapene kolony pri odstranovani tekavych organickych latek a radonu z vody. (Czech) Practical application of air stripping column for removal of volatile organic compounds and radon from water. Vodni Hospodarstvi (7),244-249(1991). 32. Uchytil P., Broz Z.: Testing of inorganic porous membranes. (Eng) Key Engineering Materials Vols.61&62,449-456(1991). 33. Nguyen X.Q., Broz Z., Uchytil P., Nguyen Q.T.: Methods for the determination of transport parameters of gases in membranes. (Eng) J.Chem.Soc.Faraday Trans.88(24),3553-3560 (1992). 34. Uchytil P., Nguyen X.Q., Broz Z.: Characterization of membrane skin defects by gas permeation method. (Eng) J. Membr.Sci.73,47-53(1992). 35. Vasak F., Broz Z.: A method for determination of gas diffusion and solubility coefficients in poly (vinyltrimethylsilane) using a personal computer. (Eng) J. Membr.Sci. 82,265-276(1993). 36. Vasak F., Broz Z.: Removal of volatile substances from water. (Eng) J.Hazard.Mater.37(1),153-164(1994). 37. Uchytil P., Broz Z.: Gas permeation in ceramic membranes. Part II. Modeling of gas permeation through ceramic membrane with one supported layer. (Eng) J.Membr.Sci. 97, 145-153 (1994). 38. Nguyen X.Q., Broz Z., Vasak F., Nguyen Q.T.: Manometric techniques for determination of gas transport parameters in membranes. Application to the study of dense and asymmetric poly(vinyltrimethylsilane) membranes. (Eng) J.Membr.Sci. 91, 65-76(1994). 39. Uchytil P., Wagner Z., Rocek J., Broz Z.: Possibility of pore size determination in separation layer of ceramic membrane using permeation method. (Eng) J.Membr.Sci.103,151-157(1995). Patents Applied in Industry 1. Červenka J., Brož Z., Mostecký J., Čermák J.: Process of farm animal manure treatment. Czech.Pat.254717 (1987). 2. Červenka J., Brož Z., Čermák J., Mostecký J.: Process of ammonia recovery from wastewater after methane fermentation of livestock excrements. Czech.Pat.274594 (1991). 3. Brož Z., Kuthan K., Vašák F., Drda A.: Process and equipment for production of oriented packing from thermoplastic material. Czech.Pat.Appl.6799-89(1989). 4. Brož Z., Vašák F., Červenka J.: Packing for heat and mass transfer apparatus. Czech.Pat.274 647(1991).
Last update 10.2.2011 |